Kristine (& Jazz)
Mother, artist, adventurer…
and crazy dog lady.
My life always revolved around being outside.
As a child our family didn’t have much materially, we lived with food insecurity and struggled to make ends meet.
However, I grew up in a beautiful place, surrounded by nature.
The good days, the bad days, the endlessly long days of summer that only exist to a child – I spent them all outside, exploring the forests and fields of my home.
Nature is my refuge.
I realized how vital that connection to nature was when I grew up, moved to “the city” and lost easy access to it.
I found that connection again in creating photographs of beautiful landscapes under the stars (oh, and I moved the heck out of the city 😂 )
The silence at night is a balm to my busy, mother of 2 young kids, soul.
The stars are a constant muse providing both inspiration and perspective to my daily life.
Through recent life events with grief that perspective and connection is even more necessary.
I create images to bring that connection with the cosmos home for everyone to experience

Kristine’s Biography
Kristine Richer is a classically trained photographer working in Nova Scotia, Canada under the business name Kristine Rose Photography.
She completed two undergraduate degrees at NSCAD University, Bachelor of Fine Arts Major in Photography and Bachelor of Design Major in Interdisciplinary Design way back when the world still only used film.
Upon graduation she worked as a commercial product photographer and product designer for 11 years. Her images have been published thousands of time in print runs of more than a million, and shown all over the world.
Kristine is also a photography educator. She taught photography at NSCAD university from 2008-2016, and now under Kristine Rose Photography teaches tens of thousands of students how to create stunning images of the Milky Way.
She made the leap in 2020 to become a full time artist and educator, because if not during a worldwide pandemic, then when?
Her nightscape images are locally exhibited through Studio21 Fine Art as well as worldwide and have been awarded the coveted NASA APOD (July 2, 2020 and April 6, 2021).
Kristine with one of her pieces in the private Muir Hotel Gallery in Downtown Halifax (2023)