Master manual mode on your camera! 📷✨⭐️
It’s time to create the photo you want every time you click the shutter!
no more guessing games, using auto modes or taking a million photos hoping one will turn out “okay”
• Finally learn your aperture, shutter speed, and ISO so you can unlock the power of manual mode.
• Understand how to use your histogram to get perfect exposures every time.
photography for beginner’s bootcamp
Access the first module FOR FREE!
Hi! I'm Kristine.
I am a photo artist and educator who spends my nights under the stars. I have had the pleasure of spending the last 14 years working with thousands of photographers just like you.
Here’s the thing, if you want to create beautiful Milky Way photos then you need to have a rock solid grasp of the fundamentals of photography.
I have helped thousands of photographers finally master manual mode in my Photography for Beginner’s Bootcamp, and I’m offering the first module to you completely free!